leaving the long metal piece on for now is recommended as it allows for easier handling (it can be removed later on). After isolating paper and all possible waxy substances are removed, you can proceed to soldering on wires.

After doing so the connector part has to be ripped off (it should come off quite easily). What you want to do is take pliers, find a seem on battery and strip it up (don't worry, it win't shock you even if it isn't empty). This works because two 9V batteries fit on each other (do not ever try this - it is a bad idea that may result in fire!). Do note that used up battery is preferred or you may be shocked (pun intended) by what you find :) Wasting a perfectly good battery really has no sense anyway if you ask me. The rest of you can get an used up 9V battery (search a battery disposal container at your local shop if you don't have any lying around your house). If you prefer the quick and boring way (or if you don't have a soldering gun), you may buy a pre-made 9V battery adapter here (as well as by many other retailers). When contacts are tested all that is left to be done is to put the small connector cover back on and you are ready to move to the next step :) It is much harder to fix it after the connector is closed up again so just press all wires downwards again. No matter what kind of wires you chose to use you have to make sure that "jaws" made contact with copper core of wires! Do this by using multimeter or battery-LED circuit.

If you want to use classical wires, they have to be aligned as if they were a part of wire strip and pushed inside metal "jaws" individually (you will know what "jaws" are when you see them - they are close impossible to be pictured well - see image 6 of this step). I used rainbow wire strip as it fits in perfectly (note however that not all rainbow wire strips are the same so some may not fit!). Once you have successfully taken apart your connector just pull off original wires and replace them with new, longer ones. If something bad happens to your connector despite all your efforts you will have to use hot glue to fix the new wires in place. If that doesn't help, just pull harder on first side (but not like a bull - damaging this part may make it more or less useless!).
#Lego digital designer power functions free
Once you manage to free one side of it you will have to keep lifting it (very gently) and simultaneously pry other side inwards using other screw driver. Looking at pictures you will see signs of wear on one side - that is where you have to start opening it. What you have to do is gently pry the small chunk off the main part.
#Lego digital designer power functions drivers
If you go for option "b", you will need two thin flat screw drivers and patience. You now have two options: a) solder off the strip of wires and extend them by soldering on longer wires (a legitimate way but almost impossible to revert back to original state.). If you are planning on putting it all back together I recommend replacing the short black wire with something longer but that is entirely up to you. You can either use a pair of tweezers to cut the wires or solder it off. You now have access to the simple circuit board hidden inside your battery box! to make following steps easier, separating the circuit board from the plastic container is recommended. Quite some force may be required to pull the two pieces apart.

this is done by holding power box firmly at connectors on far sides with one hand and grabbing the ribs (battery separators) with the other. Next we have to separate inner battery holder from outer hull. The first thing we have to do is removing the two screws (you can't miss them but in case you do, take a look at image 1 above :) and removing both lids. This leaves us with taking apart the original battery box and salvaging the connector. The same goes to all of you who have a broken LEGO motors / LEDs lying around somewhere. At least for me - if you don't care about your LEGOs just jump to step 3 to see which pole (+/-) goes to which wire. If no LEGOs can be harmed, cutting a power cord off one of my motors is a big NO.